Uma proposta para o uso da história da ciência para a aprendizagem de conceitos físicos nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental




This investigation, of qualitative character, promoted the integration of some references that corroborated for the elaboration of a historical-pedagogic approach adapted to the early years of Elementary School. Those references contemplate the need of a Scientific Literacy, already in this level of education; the Significative Learning, which is given by the implementation of innovative activities in Science Teaching; the elaboration of Conceptual Maps to evaluate the learning; and the prosecution of activities that respect the period of children s cognitive development. The phenomenological model chosen for this investigation is the rainbow. We elaborated a reconstruction of the main historical episodes necessary for the understanding of some current physical concepts in this phenomenon. Starting from the theoretical references and from the historical development of that phenomenon, we built a sequence of activities, which were applied in groups from the fourth level of Elementary School. The learning process? evaluation was done through the elaboration, before and after the sequence, of Conceptual Maps by the involved students. Our conclusions evidence that the construction of a historical-pedagogic approach to physical concepts in the early schooldays is fertile and provides good results for that education level?s learning.


ciências (ensino fundamental) - estudo e ensino física - formação de conceitos física - aprendizagem por atividades física - abordagem interdisciplinar do conhecimento sciences study and teaching physics formation of concepts physics active learning physics interdisciplinary approach to knowledge

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