Uma proposta de um sistema criptografico de chave publica utilizando codigos convolucionais classicos e quanticos / A proposal of a cryptographic system of public key using classical and quantum convolutional codes




The proposal of a cryptographic system of public key that uses classical and quantum convolutional codes of unit-memory presented in this work, is based on the use of trapdoors functions which when applied to submatrices reduce the capacity of correction of errors of the code. This process gives us an increase in the degree of privacy of information being sent, because of two factors, namely: to establish good unit-memory codes is necessary to solve the knapsack problem, and the reduction of the capacity of correcting errors of codes provided by scrambling the columns of generating submatrices. We also present in this work, news quantum convolutional codes [(4, 1, 3)]


cryptographic codigos de controle de erros (teoria da informação) codification teoria de codificação criptografia quantum error correction codes

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