Uma proposta de modelagem para integração de sistemas de gestão de produção em empresas de manufatura




This work presents enterprise modelling and integration concepts. Models for the implementationof a production planning and control (PPC) system of a research environment PIPEFA that simulates a integrated manufacturing system are also presented. lnitially, classical PPC concepts and functions are described. In the following, is emphasises the necessity to model functions, informations, resources, organisations and decisions aspects for the project of these systems. Based on previous analysis and comparison of some enterprise modelling languages, it is concluded that CIMOSA language is the more suitable for modelling PIPEFA PPC system. With the PIPEFA specification model, using CIMOSA language, other models are derived. This work is composed of five iterative tasks: the PIPEFA master plan definition, the requirements definition modelling, the project specification modelling, the database schema modelling, and the process net description


planejamento industrial sistemas de fabricação integrada por computador controle de produção gestão de empresas

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