Uma metodologia para extração de conhecimento em séries temporais por meio da identificação de motifs e da extração de características / A methodology to extract knowledge from time series using motif identification and feature extraction




Data mining has been applied to several areas with the objective of extracting interesting and relevant knowledge from large data bases. In this scenario, machine learning provides some of the main methods employed in data mining. Symbolic learning are among the most used machine learning methods since these methods can provide models that can be interpreted by domain experts. However, traditional machine learning methods, such as decision trees and decision rules, do not take into account the temporal information present into data. This work proposes a methodology to extract knowledge from time series data using feature extraction and motif identification. Features and motifs are used as attributes for knowledge extraction performed by machine learning methods. This methodology was evaluated using some well-known data sets. In addition, we compared the proposed methodology to the approach that feeds machine learning algorithms with raw time series data. Results show that there are statistically significant differences for most of the data sets employed in the study. Finally, it is presented a preliminary study with environmental monitoring data from the Itaipu reservoir, made available by Itaipu Binacional. This study is restricted to the application of motif identification. We have used time series of water temperature collected from several regions of the reservoir. In this study, a pattern in motif distribution was observed for each region of the reservoir, agreeing with some well-known literature results


mineração de dados extração de características limnology motifs time series feature extraction séries temporais limnologia motifs data mining

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