Uma metodologia para apoiar o re-projeto participativo de interfaces usando padrões de usabilidade




This dissertation proposes a methodology to provide greater support to the Unified Process (RUP) in re-designing the interfaces of software systems. The methodology, integrated to RUP, provides greater support to the software non-functional requisites, notably the usability requirements, allowing a better management of the processes of modifications of such requirements. Better management will result in faster accomplishment, which will reduce maintenance costs. In order to attain this purpose, the objective defined was to use the principles of participatory design, through which users can actively participate in the process of decision making about the alterations of interface, having a greater awareness of the impact that such alterations will provoke in the system as a whole. The use of interaction patterns will facilitate communication between users and designers, since it establishes a language that is easily understood by the entire development team, and gives the user greater assurance about what is to be expected from the alterations. Besides, solutions will have been implemented that have already been successfully used, allowing their re-use. This study identified the activities and disciplines of RUP within which the methodology is inserted, proposing changes in the workflow that a solicitation of interface alteration should follow in order to be implemented.


sistemas de informacao interface homem-mÁquina - dissertaÇÕes

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