Uma critica à mitificação da política em teorias do facismo alemão de Walter Benjamin. / A critique of the myth of political theories of fascism in Germany by Walter Benjamin.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Benjamin s analysis of progress (Fortschritt) and its main consequences, particularly those experienced by the German society in the first half of the twentieth century, as lab has the Weimar Republic. The categories benjaminian explain the historical process of idealization and mytification of politics that promoted the rise of the National Socialist Party (Nazi) Germany. Structuring of the Myth of Beauty Culture will lead to the barbarity of war. Benjaminian concepts, aesthetics, art, aura, memory, shock experience, revolution, now the knowable and resistance, are a shield against the new terms imposed by the phantasmagoric reality that leads mankind to a shift in rationality, putting at risk the assets of moral and ethical values. Benjamin s critique of modernity seeks to draft false civilization that sank on the ideals of Adolf Hitler(The Führer) and its mechanism of seduction: the aesthetics of politics. The loss of aura of art in Benjamin s perpective of democratization of the world recognizes the changing status of the artwork, a key element for an awakening of the creative freedom of the artist, Who can turn their art into an instrument of revolution against this process of aesthetics culture. Memory, according to Benjamin, was the main mechanism for a revolution in a moment called now the khowable as a form of resistance to modernity.


memória e resistência política filosofia mitificação progresso progress mytification politics memory and resistance

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