Uma contribuição à história dos transportes no Brasil: a companhia baiana de navegação a vapor (1839-1894) / Brazil´s transport history: a Companhia Bahiana de Navegação a Vapor (1839-1894)




The Bahia Steam Navigation Company was one of the most important companies of the steam navigation sector in Brazil during the nineteenth century. It worked in the Provinces of Bahia, Sergipe and Alagoas. Your boats carried the biggest part of the people and the products that belonged to this region. The Bahian Company had a few moments of prosperity, but in your history, the most was difficult moments. The unfavorable economic situation about the Province of Bahia and the bad administration by the managers of the company it was the principal reasons for the periods of crisis. Nevertheless the company contributed for the dynamic about the economy of the region. The predominant unfavorable periods and the several mistakes by the managers takes the company to be sold for the Brazilian Lloyd


bahia; companhia bahiana; comunicações; economia regional; navegação a vapor bahia; bahian company; communications; regional economy; steam navigation

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