Uma civilização do arroz: agricultura, comércio e subsistência no Vale do Ribeira (1800-1880) / The rice culture: agriculture, commerce and wealth composition in Vale do Ribeira (1800-1880)




This thesis looks at the economic evolution of the Iguape and Xiririca villages in the Vale of Ribeira region between 1800 and 1880. During this period, the region concentrated in the rice culture, notably to supply the Rio de Janeiros market. In this study we identified different rhythms in the structures of production and marketing of this crop, defining a complete economic cycle. We also show that the evolution of the rice culture is correlated with the wealth levels of the local population. We looked particularly at assets, number of slaves, and credits, the main indicators of wealth in the region at that time. Our findings not only show that rice production evolved across all economic classes, but also suggests that changes in the local social hierarchy matched the economic cycle development, particularly in the case of rice mill owners and traders


slaveholding vale do ribeira rice arroz; nível e composição da riqueza; posse de escravos; vale do ribeira level and wealth composition

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