Uma arquitetura outra : o processo de ruptura entre forma e função / An another architecture : the process of rupture between form and function


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research attempts to show the development of the established relationship defined by the equation "form follows function" from the Modern Movement onward, making evident decisive changes to the contemporary design processes. As the research unfolds, the modern relationship between form and function is systematically questioned, so as to bring architecture closer to the daily reality. As a result of this movement, the connection between the user and his/hers urban and social context is strengthen and so architecture regains its power as cultural indispensable equipment to the contemporary metropolis. Further to the analysis of theories, buildings and contemporary projects, the research examines the importance of this form/function relationship against the metropolitan phenomena, assuming alternative methodologies where the form acts as an envelope interfacing the user and the city and the function acts as a highly complex program, which reestablishes architecture as a relevant manifestation of contemporary culture. The research departs from the hypothesis that in order to shape the envelope and the program, specific forms are associated to design methodologies which enables the prevalence of form not as an image holding meanings but as a facilitator of the architectonic happening. The theoretical hypothesis is verified through the discussion of possibilities of engagement between architecture and reality as a reference to new design processes. A parallel between the theoretical discussion and the Brazilian scenery is also proposed through examples of the architecture of São Paulo. Therefore, in the theoretical clash between form and function in architecture - undisputed brand of the XXth century - the research searches for arguments to evaluate the contemporary production in Brazil and in the world


arquitetura architecture

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