Uma analise para utilização de sistemas de Workflow em centrais de atendimento




The increasing competition among the companies in the most various sectors of economy has forced them to present differential items for keeping and getting the loyalty of their clients. The quality in customer service is a fundamental factor for the success and the growth of an institution that intends to achieve high satisfaction rate with their clients and, as a result, a market differential that places it in a prominent situation before their competitors. The call center is the center where the client has a direct connection with the company and is one ofthe main items forthe achievement ofthe objectives listed above. Allied to the usage of technology the call center allows the information to be collected and analyzed in a organized and consistent way, allowing the runners of the companies to take fast and objective actions. The workflow technology adds important value to the challenge of differentiation for it permits the processes that involve customer service to be thoroughly monitored enabling the detection of failures that can be promptly corrected, assuring that the clients will not be without answers or that the time taken for providing answers are not long enough to cause disgust. Besides the situations that demand punctual actions the workflow allows the constant analysis for the general improvement of the customer service flow since the profile or behavior changes can be immediately verified. This work wishes to describe the main concepts of a call center and its biggest challenges, as well as propose a model that can be used as a reference for the implantation of a workflow system in a call center, more specifically in the user support center (help desk) and also present a set of simulations that can show in a simple way the benefits that can be achieved with the use of the technology involved in a workflow system


processos serviço ao cliente fluxo de trabalho

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