Uma analise dos filtros condicionais seletores de posição e sua aplicação na restauração de imagens digitais




In this work, a class of nonlinear filters called rank conditioned rank selection (RCRS) filters is studied and developed. The RCRS filters are analyzed within the general framework of rank selection (RS) filters, which are filters constrained to output an order statistic from the observation set. Many filters previously proposed (e.g. median filter, center weighted median filter "CWM", weighted order statistic filter "WOS"), rank order based can be formulated as RS filters. The only difference between such filters is in the information used in deciding which order statistic to output. The information used by the RCRS filters is the ranks of selected input samples, hence the name rank conditioned rank selection filters. In this work, computer simulation results that illustrate the performance of RCRS filters in comparison with other techniques in image restoration are presented


processamento de imagens - tecnicas digitais telecomunicações filtros eletricos digitais processamento de sinais - tecnicas digitais

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