Uma anÃlise do processo de manutenÃÃo do Certificado de Qualidade ISO 9001 em empresas brasileiras




Nowadays, having the demands of a new worldwide market, quality started to be part of the strategic decisions from worldwide important organizations. So, a new experience has been, currently, very common, wich is to obtain the Certificate of Quality by getting a model of Assurance, for instance, ISO 9000:1994 standards. However, getting only the Certificate of Quality is not enough to maintain a company working. Itâs also necessary a correct and obstinate management to keep the Certificate. However, keeping it involves the company some difficulties, as well: high cost, keep the motivated employers, keep documents and records always up-dated, etc. The proposition of this work is to make an analysis of the main difficulties found by brazilian industries relating to Maintenance of Certificate, so that the organizations will get help in order to reach the goals estabilished by the strategic scheme. This work is about some concepts of quality, their origin, the choice of the regulator bureau, it shows benefit and disadvantages of the certification, the stages that a company will have to follow to begin the process to be certified. At last, it makes an analysis of the main elements from ISO 9000:1994 standards that need a bigger effort to keep the Certificate of Quality


empresas brasileiras â certificaÃÃo de qualidade (iso 9001:1994) engenharia de producao certificado de qualidade gerÃncia da produÃÃo â sistemas de qualidade â empresas brasileiras empresas brasileiras â anÃlise da manutenÃÃo

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