Uma analise de soluções VPN em redes corporativas de alta capilaridade




With the growing need for eost reduetion, VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) appear as an alternative to eorporate eommunications. There are many solutions sold in the market under the term "VPN", based on a wide range of protoeols and approaehes. In seareh of a feasible and seeure solution for a large eorporate environment, where the number of branehes is important due to the high eapillarity of the network, the apparently simple eoneept of a VPN ean beeome a souree of eoneern in a WAN projeet. This researeh analyzes the main available approaehes and protoeols, aiming to clarify the purposes and limits of eaeh one and foeusing on the usage of IPSee (IP Seeurity) to provide a low eost and seeure VPN. As it is presented in most of the books, IPSee seems to be very simple to implement in a eorporate WAN, but in fact it is a eomplex protoeol, especially when implemented on a high eapillarity network. It ean even eompromise network seeurity if its eoneepts are not used in the eorreet way. This researeh also justifies the IPSee ehoiee in a CPE (Customer Premise Equipment) approaeh and the main problems and solutions for this protoeol in a large eorporate environment


redes de computação - medidas de segurança internet (redes de computação) redes de computação - protocolos redes de computação - administração

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