Uma análise comparada das políticas de alimentação escolar na Bolívia, no Brasil e no Chile


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Latin American school feeding programs are public social policies with multiple goals and benefits. These actions have taken on a varied scope as they address concerns related to health, education, social welfare and economic development. As education policies they have become visible instruments that guarantee equality and opportunities for students. They are deemed a surefire way for expanding the educational spectrum, at the same time they bring health benefits. Whether by supporting ways to prevent food¿related diseases, as seen in developed countries, or as a supplement for nutritional needs, as it is seen in developing countries. Our analysis of the policies used the comparative method and looked at the similarities and differences between Bolivia, Brazil and Chile in terms of how these countries design and implement their school meal programs. We identified comparative variables of a qualitative nature, and employed them to approach the historic, economic, social, cultural and political backdrops. Hence, the purpose of this thesis is to comparatively study school meal programs in Bolivia, Brazil and Chile, and analyze contexts, references, goals, strategies and the results obtained at the mark of paradigm shifts taking place from the time they were created up to the present time. The first paradigmatic point is that when meal programs were encouraged, boosted and instated by international agencies in the mid 20th century. That time was called germination, in the botanical sense of seeds sprouting, budding, that is, when policies were created or not. The second point was situated around the year 2000, as the Millennium Development Goals were set. Back then the results of the programs implemented were used, and their experiences served as the basis for a new time to sow. In that shift we have identified the difference between policies that fight hunger and, as they progress, policies oriented toward nutrition.


education policies programas de alimentación escolar alimentação infantil análisis de políticas públicas política educacional estudios comparados américa latina feeding school programs public policy analysis comparative studies latin america políticas públicas políticas educacionales

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