Brasil, Bolívia, hidrocarbonetos e o processo de integração energética na América do Sul




The present dissertation discusses the relation Brazil Bolivia in the area of hydrocarbons and searches to identify the chief implications to the geopolitics of regional natural gas interconnection, considered as a pivotal point of South American integration. It verifies how the historical legacy of this bilateral relation has conditioned Brazilian foreign policy in the light of Evo Morales Government decisions and the Bolivian political instability. In other words, it searches to examine how Brazilian Government has perceived the new Bolivian Government performance to Brazilian geopolitical goals completion. Furthermore, it analyzes the strategic possibilities of gas interconnection in South America, considering the political peculiarities of the region.


relacoes i?internacionais, bilaterais e multilaterais integração energética bolivia brazilian foreign policy geopolitics política externa south american energetic integration brasil bolívia américa do sul

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