Uma abordagem da hipótese da neutralidade da moeda usando dados do Brasil pós-Real / An approach to the hypothesis of neutrality of money using data from Brazil after the Real Plan




The hypothesis of neutrality of money is the theoretical framework of the Quantity Theory of Money (QTM), which is based from the Fishers equation of exchange, assuming that the income-velocity of money is constant, the real output is exogenously determined by nonmonetary variables, such as technology, capital stock and labor supply. But the real output is truly exogenous in Brazil? Or, in other words, it is valid the hypothesis of neutrality of money? This theme has been the subject of many studies. In addition, the Tobin effect and the endogenous growth theories suggest that there may be a real effect of money in the long run. This study investigated the possible long-run relationships between the nominal money supply, the price level and real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for Brazil from 1946 to 2008, using low frequency (annual) data . For the empirical test was used the Johansen cointegration and integration of the variables, especially the study of the stationarity of the velocity of money circulation, which provided to be constant only in the presence of structural breaks. Mainly, we used exogeneity tests in order to allow the researcher to work with a set of information as broad as possible, ie, encompassing the information come from the economic theory and data generator process. For the unit root tests, it was found that the study variables (y, m e p) are I (1), ie, are stationary only in first difference. The results are in line to validate the exogeneity of real output, although the results from the Granger causality test was not conclusive. Thus, this work creates evidence for the hypothesis of neutrality of money.


neutralidade da moeda política monetária monetary policy exogeneity neutrality of money exogeneidade

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