Um provinciano na corte: as aventuras de Nhô-Quime a sociedade do Rio de Janeiro nos anos 1860-1870 / A provincial in court: As aventuras de "Nhô-Quim" and the society of Rio de Janeiro in the years 1860-1870




The present work intends to reconstruct and interpret part of the career of the Italian artist Angelo Agostini and his work for the magazine A Vida Fluminense (1868-1875). Recognized as one of the greatest illustrators of the nineteen century, Agostini had a long career that started in 1864 in Sao Paulo and continues in Rio de Janeiro where after 1867, he participated also in O Arlequim, O Mosquito and after that launched magazines like Don Quixote and Revista Illustrada, the most important title of humor magazines than. A Vida Fluminense was the first magazine issued by Agostini and was a sign of the transition in his artistic career, when he reveals the maturity of his work and produces some of political charges that will be his trade mark in the future. Also in A Vida Fluminense Agostini issued As Aventuras de Nhô-Quim, a sequential art series started in January 1869 and that was continued by Candido Aragonez de Faria in 1872, when it was interrupted. The purpose of this work is to evidence how the series created by Agostini show us picturesque instants of sociability between urban citizens of Rio de Janeiro and the so called aristocratic farmers in the mid nineteen century.


sequencia art humor humor angelo agostini history of the press arte sequêncial candido aragonez de faria história da imprensa império (brasil) brazilian empire candido aragonez de faria angelo agostini

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