Um olhar sobre a educação matemática dos anos 1960 e 1970 dos cursos técnicos industriais federais do estado do Paraná




The study, which holds a historical nature, has as it primary object the area of Mathematical Education, in the 60s and 70s, focalizing the Industrial Technical Schools of Paraná State, Brazil, in the context of the New Math Movement (NMM). The theoretical foundations were mainly based on available bibliography about: Teaching on Technical Schools, Cunha (1977), Kuenzer (1989); the constitution of scholar courses, Chervel (1990); the scholar culture, Julia (2001); the cultural history, Certeau (1982); NMM review, Kline (1976). Assuming as object the investigation, in 60s and 70s, of possible relations between education in Industrial Technical Schools in Paraná State and NMM, the study utilized historical sources located in archives of the Federal Technical School of Paraná (in portuguese ETFPR), which remains as the main scenery of this study. Materials like course plans, student manuals named Auroras, information bulletins, institution periodics, teacher council proceedings and book collections were analyzed. Besides of, interviews were conducted with four teachers and one ex-student of ETFPR. The study has shown that in the beginning of 60s, the major preoccupation of the school was the lack of scientific formation of the teacher of the technical courses. Between 1957 and 1962, ETFPR has offered teacher formation courses in a collaboration agreement with Industrial Apprentice Brazilian-American Commission (in portuguese CBAI). The scholar organization and culture of ETFPR after this period were strongly influenced by the following American ideas: methodical approach, rationality, efficiency, and productivity. The document analysis has shown that many math teachers did not have the necessary formation to teach the corresponding courses. The teaching of Mathematics was not properly related to the teaching of the technical courses. In the second halt of 60s, the ETFPR has an agreement with the Paranás State Gymnasium (in portuguese CEP), that provided a common elaboration of the New Math Book for Gymnasium Education proposed by Nucleus of Dissemination of the Teaching of Mathematics (in portuguese NEDEM). The ETFPR teacher participation had not reflected in a change of the Math Courses Plans of the industrial gymnasium and secondary school, whereas the teachers did not change the reference books previously used. Factors as the low teacher renovation tax, the gradual extinction of industrial gymnasium in the beginning of 70s, and the lack of relations between the technical schools and NMM maybe had leaded to an appropriation in a resistance form by the teachers. In the beginning of 70s, the adoption of a teaching system by objectives based on Blooms Taxonomy resulted in a great care with the control of teachers planning and activities. Some contents of New Mathematics were introduced in the courses books however ETFPR had not effectively participated in the NMM in Paraná. The teachers interviews has exhibited that there was a non-official insertion of NMM in ETFPR, but few traces were found. In 80s, the ETFPR math teachers had participated in the elaboration of a collection of mathematics books with a methodology that was especially focused on technical teaching.


ensino superior educacao ensino técnico matemática - estudo e ensino (secundário) professores de matemática

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