Um modelo de interface de aplicação para sistemas de comunicação




This work analyzes the concept of API ("Application Program Interface") for communication systems. From this discussion, APIs for several Application Protocols are built, and a conceptual General Model is proposed. This work also presents the API implementation for the MMS ("Manufacturing Message Specification") Protocol in the SISDI-MAP, a Didactic System for the MAP ("Manufacturing Automation Protocol") Project, developed in the Department of Computing and Industrial Automation of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at UNICAMP. Some concepts of communication systems related to the API concept are analyzed: Sockets from the UNIX System, User Agent from the X-400 (eletronic mail) and Directory Service Protocols, and Binding and Remote Operation from the ROSE ("Remote Operations Service Element") Protocolo Finally, a Presentation Model of API is proposed, which considers these analyzed concepts and the General Model presented. Résumé: Dans ce travail nous présentons un modele général d une API ("Application Program Interface") pour le logiciel de communication. Quelques aspects du modele pour plusieurs protocoles d application sont analysés. Une implantation de Message Specification"), API pour le protocole MMS ("Manufacturing developpée a l UNICAMP, est aussi presentée.


processamento eletronico de dados - sistemas de comunicação

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