Dispositivo da interface. Um estudo sobre tecnologias de comunicação / Dispositivo da interface. Um estudo sobre tecnologias de comunicação




User`s interfaces got relevance among technological society environment due to the emergency of what Nicholas Negroponte called being digital, and achieving a highlighted position in studies on communication. Considering interface relevance, this study discusses relations that make interfaces an effort spots nowadays, from Foucauldian conception of power apparatus (dispositif). Analyses start from goals elected in the debate on the characteristics an interface must have to map the apparatus outlines. They consider the interface project and usability idea to verify how the relations trying to build a subject-user are problematized, relating it to technology, giving power to act. Some interaction modes listed in the bibliography discussing projects` peculiarities have been evaluated. Then aspects considered necessary are analysed in the project thought as the design of an experience to be experienced by users in the interface space, recovering strategic points of the characteristic interaction mode of graphic user interface (GUI). Relations established with technology are considered as power relations. This proposal is contributing to debate technical issue in the contemporary society, once communication appears as a foundation and is implied in a substantial mode at the same time. Interface dispositif is a partial configuration of something difficult to be totally mapped here intending to stress the importance for the society thinking of their relations with the technique, emphasizing fine strategies searched to link subjects to information and then to the digital order.


interface power tecnologia comunicação interface communication poder technology

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