Um framework para coordenação do tratamento de exceções em sistemas tolerantes a falhas / A framework for exception handling coordination in fault-tolerant systems




The widespread scale adoption of computer networks and database management systems has contributed to the arising of complex information systems. Nowadays, these systems have become essential aspects in the everyday life, supporting business processes and indispensable enterprise services to society such as banking automation and telephony. The usage of components in structuring of these systems promotes higher quality and flexibility to the product and accelerates the software development process. However, in order to fully observe the benefits it is essential that the suppliers of these COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) design precise, complete and consistent specifications. Generally, the specifications omit or neglect the behavior of these components in exceptional situations. Therefore, the usage of untrustworthy components whose behavior cannot be entirely foreseen seriously compromise the design of fault-tolerant systems. One of the strategies used for the specification of fault-tolerant components is to inform the occurrence of errors through exceptions and make its recovering by the correspondent exception handling routines. The specification should separate clearly the normal behavior from the exceptional one, specially designed for error recovery. However, in concurrent and distributed systems, specification of local exception handling is not enough. An exception could be raised as a result of systemic errors (i.e. network errors) which affect the entire system, thus specific types of exceptions should be treated at an architectural level involving all the other components in this handling activity. The conceptual model of Coordinated Atomic (CA) actions, often applied in the structuring of fault-tolerant systems, defines a general mechanism for coordination of exception handling with components that cooperate while executing activities and compete for shared resources. Therefore, the model of CA actions offers a perfectly viable solution for the specification of exception handling at an architectural level. This work proposes a framework for the specification of exception handling at an architectural level, based on the nesting model of CA actions and using the event-oriented language CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes). Its main characteristic is to provide a standardized protocol for coordination of exception handling that involves the cooperation of system components. Moreover, it is presented a formal strategy for system verification using the FDR (Failure Divergence Refinement) tool, based on the traces refinement model.


coordinated atomic actions métodos formais csp csp tratamento de exceções ações atômicas coordenadas fault-tolerance tolerância a falhas exception handling formal methods

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