Um framework multi-agentes para o projeto de interfaces homem-computador




Attaining success in user interface design requires coordination of several subjects to create a software product with high usability. This is the motivation of this work: to define the architecture of a framework which allows integration of the work of the various subjects during the design process. The goal is to obtain an interactive system design where several users can work considering only one specific aspect of the interface design. In this the framework for conceptual and detailed design of interactive system is defined. This framework has the typical multidisciplinary characteristics of the interface design process, such as cooperation and flexibility. In order to enable different people to work with various agents in the called application interface agents (AIA). The AIAs include, in their architecture, the declarative description of all parts of the design of an interactive application (presentation of the interface, dialog description, interface task description, data and functions model) in a natural, designer-oriented way


interfaces de usuario (sistema de computador) interação homem-maquina sistemas operacionais distribuidos (computadores) inteligencia artificial

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