Um estudo sobre ligações do tipo YT de barras afastadas de seções tubulares circulares laminadas de aço / A study of gap YT joints circular hollow steel sections




This work presents the theoretical, experimental and numerical analyses using of a YT joint used in plane trusses steel, having as the beginning point the verification of the global behavior of the connection. A connection of truss of YT type with gap members was evaluated. The members that compose the connection, presented here, have circular tubular cross sections welded among themselves. The failure mode of the connection was due to the plastic failure of the chord face (one web member pushing its face whereas the brace is pulling it out). An cambered effect of the chord cross section on the gap region was noted. The connection design follows the Limit State Design, in which the calculated resistance is verified. The involved members in this connection are also subjected the influence from add bendings. The study was developed by through a comparative analysis considering an analytical. solution supplied by intemational technical codes, an experimental analysis and a numerical modeling using with Ansys software. In the numerical study, the 4-node SHELL 181 and SHELL63 element was used to model the connection. The purpose of this study is to understand this connection mechanical behavior, thus contributing to possible the dissemination of this structural. conception still not explored so much in Brazil yet and to to be feasible the execution of optimized projects


ligações metalicas structural steel treliças (construção civil) metodo dos elementos finitos trusses aço tubular - estruturas steel tubular structures finite element method aço - estruturas - estudos experimentais metal bonding

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