Um estudo sobre elaboração e avaliação de hipertextos pedagogicos para ensino de leitura em lingua estrangeira / A study about construction and evaluation of pedagogical hypertexts for teaching reading in second language




The objective of this dissertation is to show the process we went through during an exploratory study about construction of digital textual materials in the context of second language reading and about evaluation of the interaction between students/readers and these materials. Our initial hypothesis was that the digital links could be explored as a way of giving support to the descendents reading processes. This hypothesis was changed for two central reasons: the existent literature offers few reflections about the process of production of hypertexts and there are few empirical studies about interaction with hypertexts, even in first language contexts; points of reflection that seemed to come before the initial hypothesis. Therefore, the research presents a revision of the existent literature about hypertext, digital literacy and reading in different textual supports. This reflection informed the process of creation of the material used in the tests about reading on screen. In order to understand how readers interact with hypertexts in second language, we have worked with three versions of the same text in this research. The first version was taken from an on-line English instrumental course offered by a university of the state of Sao Paulo. The version presented to the students was scanned from an original printed text and the only adaptation it suffered was of reducing the material in order to fit it in two screens. The second version was built following an axial hypertextual organization, which presents a central axis and links of topic extensions. The third version was built following a rhizomatic hypertextual organization, which, differently from the axial, presents to the reader a set of segments (lexias) that are not necessarily bound to a central axis. The empirical study of this research was subdivided into two stages. The first stage describes in details the process of generating two types of hypertexts: axial and rhizomatic. The second analyses how readers interact with different textual versions in the context of second language reading. The analysis of the data suggests that the axial hypertextual version was considered by the readers tested as more productive than the scanned and the rhizomatic versions. The conclusions of this research point to future directions that can be productive in the use of hypertext in the context of instrumental reading teaching


lingua estrangeira hypertext systems sistema de hipertexto foreign language reading leitura ensino teaching

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