Um estudo de base vigotskiana sobre variação entre o desempenho de crianças e adolescentes na resolução das tarefas de vocabulário e cubos - Wisc III




In the clinical experience of psychological care for children and adolescents, it was observed an imbalance in the performance of the subjects in activities that require the use of verbal language, compared with the performance in activities that require the thought into action, that is realization of practical activity with materials, in which the oral expression is not priority. This study aimed to carry out an exploratory study to verify if there is variation between the performance of children and adolescents, in the resolution of the tasks of vocabulary and Cubes of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-WISC III, and if there were, look at it from of theoretical contributions of historical-cultural approach. It was conducted a study of cases with 5 subjects whose average age was 11 years and six months. They were asked to reply to subtests Vocabulary and Cubes of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-WISC III. The results of the tasks were analyzed according to the grade of correction of the Scale of Intelligence. It also sought to identify the stages of the development of the sign and the concept that the subject had in the definition of the concepts of "Vocabulary" and, in the "Cubes", to verify the presence of behavior that indicate the use of voluntary attention, strategies to adapt and self-criticism in carrying out activities. The results indicate that 2 of the 5 subjects received the highest scores in the subtest "vocabulary" than in "Cubes". While the other 3 subjects have obtained high scores in Cubes, the performance was not the same of the result in vocabulary, which were higher. There were no significant variations in performance of the subjects on the development of concepts and of the sign. This study suggests that there is a real change of the course of the development of language and the thinking among the subjects searched but the phenomenon demand deeper studies with significant sample.


pensamento e linguagem historical-cultural approach development of concepts abordagem histórico-cultural psicologia thought and language desenvolvimento de conceitos

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