Um estudo comparativo da eficiÃncia das usinas hidrelÃtricas do Brasil, utilizando a anÃlise por envoltÃria de dados â DEA / A comparative study of the efficiency of the brazilian hydroelectric units, using the Data Envelopment Analysis â DEA.




The recent structural modifications that occurred in the electric brazilian sector had, in its essence, as main purpose to guarantee a reliable energy supply. But, how to guarantee the energy supply without sufficient financial resources to invest in the construction of new electric generation plants, necessary to supply of the energy front to the expansion of the national economy? This shortage of financial resources destined to the generation of hydroelectric energy, can be minimized by the better improvement of the production factors used. The generation unities efficiency must be aimed by the owners, because the efficiency makes possible generate more energy without the necessity of doing new investments, only reallocating the production factors. This study analyzes the efficient of 87 brazilian hydroelectric generation plants, using as support the analysis methodology called Data Envelopment Analysis â DEA. Synthetically, the DEA methodology represents one of the most useful methods in the world literature that through the linear programming allows identifying the Decision Making Units (DMUs) that are in the efficient frontier and the relative inefficiencies of other unities, looking the inputs and outputs used to the measurement. To the analysis is important that the chosen inputs and outputs have strong influence in the productive process. The used inputs were: generating capacity; water level difference; age of the generation plant and insured energy. The outputs considered were: generated energy and an index created, called productivity. The units efficiency is analyzed using DEA-CCR (constant returns of scale) and DEABCC (variable returns of scale), using the input orientation, initially with 6 variables and, subsequently, with 5 variables. Using the EMS program, in DEA-CCR model with 6 variables, 19 units were considered efficient and with 5 variables, only 8 units were 100% efficient. In DEA-BCC model, with 6 and 5 variables, 27 units were considered efficient. Additionally, was done efficiency analysis, using some characteristics, according to unit size, age of the generation plant, water level difference, company owner and geographic localization. In the results chapter were done, yet, some comparative analyses between hydroelectric power plants with and without reservoirs, and with the last correlate study. And, finally, a demonstrative sheet was elaborated with the categories that demonstrated to be more efficient


eficiÃncia metodologia dea brazilian hydroelectric plant dea methodology efficiency economia usinas hidrelÃtricas brasileiras

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