Um designio semiologico sobre o conceito freudiano de simbolo




This research, entitled A semiologic designation about the freudian concept of symbol, is developed from a historic reconstitution of this concept applied over a chronologic sequence of the works of Sigmund Freud, especially his Die Traumdeutung, as well as some of his collaborators, as Wilhelm Stekel and Ernest Jones. Then it presents the theoretical instrument obtained from the semiology elaborated by Ferdinand de Saussure, as well as from the extension of this conception elaborated by Roland Barthes. From this one it has been obtained the concept of contemporaneous myth from which we analyse the freudian concept of symbol and also it justifies the theses here sustained. In the last chapter, a series of dreams and symptoms, where the notion of fixed symbolic representation is recognized, is analyzed with the objective of demonstrating the contours, as well as the forms and possibilities of constitution. This is achieved following the concepts obtained from the theoretical reference proportioned by the semiology here adopted. Summarising, our analisys was dedicated to signal, in the first place, the thesis of the myth as a mechanism of the production of the symbol, and, in second place, the mythification as a Freudian procedure in the formulation of his concept of the fixed symbolic representation, whose objective was to give stability and justification to his theory of the universality of sexuality of children


mitologia semiotica simbolismo representação (filosofia)

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