Um caminho de suor e letras : a militancia negra em Campinas e a construção de uma comunidade imaginada nas paginas do Getulino (Campinas, 1923-1926)




The aim of this M.A. thesis is to approach the formation of the black militancy at the city of Campinas in the 1920 s by identifying the points of conflict and solidarity among the militants. Having in mind the theoretical proposals from the New Cultural History, this thesis searches for the meanings emanating from the militants specific language in their effort to construct racial identities. In this way this research focuses on the pages of a black newspaper the Getulino - whose discourse is analyzed along with its diverse representations. The relationship between the text of this primary source and the ideologies, which impregnated society by then, may be better understood by examining the debates on the formation of the Brazilian nation. As one shall see, the notions of "race" and "evolution" deeply permeated those debates. In conclusion, by refusing to adopt the notion of fixed identities, this thesis allows to visualize the invention of identities within a social and cultural movement


identy racismo printing press national (brazil) identidade blacks negros - brasil racism brazil

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