Um ambiente colaborativo de aprendizagem interdisciplinar apoiado por interfaces adaptativas / A Collaborative Learning Environment Interdisciplinary Supported by adaptive interfaces




The use Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) becomes, day by day, more evident in several public teaching institutions, as well as in private and government agencies. Several versions of VLEs are available for free use, each one under its own characteristics. In Brazil there are almost a thousand institutions that have been using these environments, which show the necessity of investments and new research in this area. This theses specifies and develops a VLE, its main objective is to reduce the problems found in many approach of the environment ready for use thus recommending an environment called "Interdiscipline Collaborative Learning Environment" which was prepared to offer an infra-structure which permits to unite cooperative working concepts, learning virtual communities, interdiscipline, interfaces adaptation and in a complementary way allow creation of automatic recommendations to its users based on their profiles.


user interfaces (computer systems) ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem virtual learning environment tecnologia educaional personalização de interfaces human - computer interation interfaces personalization educational technology trabalho colaborativo interdisciplinariedade collaborative work interação homem - máquina interfaces de usuário metodologia e tecnicas da computacao interdiscipline.

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