Tratamento antiretroviral para o vÃrus da imunodeficiÃncia humana e o risco de desenvolver hiperglicemia e dislipidemia




A cross-sectional study, with internal comparison groups, was conducted to identify the association between the type of antiretroviral treatment used and hyperglicaemia and hyperlipidaemia, with special attention to the use of HIV protease inhibitors. The data was obtained through an interviewer questionnaire and blood and urine samples were collected for the laboratory exams. A total of 418 patients were interviewed, but 46 out of them met the exclusion criteria. The sample was then composed by 372 HIV positive patients, attending the laboratory of the Correia PicanÃo State Hospital for the collection of blood, to estimate the HIV viral load and/or CD4 cell counting, from August to November 2000. The association between the variables was tested using the chi-square test and the pvalue. A multiple logistic regression analysis was carried out to adjust for potential confouding factors. A greater frequency of patients with high glucose levels was observed among those in the use of antiretroviral without protease inhibitors but the small number of patients harmed the comparisons. An association was verified between the serum total cholesterol level and the use of HIV protease inhibitors (p<0,026) even after controlling for age group. An association was also observed between the triglyceride levels and the use of HIV protease inhibitors (p<0,000), which remained after adjustment for age group, sex and creatinine levels


medicina hiperglicemia vÃrus da imunodeficiÃncia humana dislipidemia tratamento antiretroviral

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