Transtorno de hiperatividade com déficit de atenção: estudo de uma amostra de escolares de 1 série de Criciúma / Transtorno de hiperatividade com déficit de atenção: estudo de uma amostra de escolares de 1 série de Criciúma / Transtorno de hiperatividade com déficit de atenção: estudo de uma amostra de escolares de 1 série de Criciúma / Transtorno de hiperatividade com déficit de atenção: estudo de uma amostra de escolares de 1 série de Criciúma / Transtorno de hiperatividade com déficit de atenção: estudo de uma amostra de escolares de 1 série de Criciúma




The present research had as its main goal the description of the demographical and neuropsychological characteristics, as well as the cognitive profile of a sample of students from the first grade presenting Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), identified by parents and teachers. The outline of the study has been characterized by a transversal cut, present in the sample of the 17 students already, identified by teachers with probable diagnosis of ADHD according to the diagnostical criteria of DSM IV-R and Conners Questionnaire. A traditional neurological exam has been made and the motor persistence of Evolutionary Neurological Exame (ENE), according to Lefèvre (1972). Children presenting ADHD for DSM IV-R have been included in the analysis with normal neurological exam and altered motor persistence. The parents or responsibles have signed a term of informed consent. The data collected has been processed by the use of EPI INFO 6.04 Program. A descriptive analysis of the data with percentual frequence, central tendeny measures, dispersion and Fischer Exact test has been made. ADHD has been diagnosed in the 17 students. Fifteen (88,2%) boys and two (11,7%) girls with the average age of seven years and three months. 12,5% have presented combined ADHD, 42,9 innatentive ADHD and 40,0% hyperactive. Most of children come from low income family. It existed concordance between lack of limits and ADHD. The parents have observed greater number of criteria for inattention and the teachers for hyperativity. In the crossing of altered answers of the items from Conners Questionnaire there has been a variation of agreement. We concluded that children in this study have had neuropsychological and cognitive alterations besides presenting criteria from the Manual of Diagnosis and Statistics of Mental disorders. The agreement


educacao distúrbios da aprendizagem distúrbio da falta de atenção com hiperatividade lack of limits deficit of attention falta de limites déficit de atenção crianças hiperativas hyperactivity hiperatividade educação de crianças

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