Transposição de época e personagem real de televisão / Transposição de época e personagem real de televisão




This study deals with the life of Anna Jacinta of São José (Mrs. Beja), in its historic context and in the transposition made for television, the novel-television Dona Beija. Following her in its several histories, we turn ourselves, first of all, to social historical analysis carried through the known sources and later on its examination and systematic contraposition, which took a place in the historical memoralistic. Such movement lead us for the interpretation of construction of her character, through the translation of different historical-cultural contexts; translation that culminated in the transposition of her history to the television. In the specific field of dramaturgicnovel, we made the analysis of the language, the structure and the dramaturgic of Dona Beijas telenovel, seen as a product of industry and the cultural translation. Such analysis, evidenced, at last, the permanence of her picture, that was made briefly for the dramaturgicnovel in detriment of those have been done delineated for two centuries in the performance of her memory and history.


cultura dramaturgicnovel memory culture memória dona beija character história personagem dona beija teledramaturgia history

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