Transgenia agrícola e modernidade : um estudo sobre o processo de inserção comercial de sementes transgênicas nas sociedades brasileira e argentina a partir dos anos 1990 / Transgenics in agriculture and modernity : a study of the commercial introduction of transgenic seeds into the Brazilian and Argentinean societies since 1990




The commercial use of transgenic seeds in agriculture since the end of the 20th century and its disseminated use in the beginning of the 21st century lead not only to radical changes in the world s agriculture sector, now technologized in all spheres of the productive process, but also to radical changes into the concepts of seeds and life, with economic, social and environmental impacts that remain open. The use of transgenics in the world is comprehended as a strategic element of a domination process, as a trigger of social and political conflicts, so as an element of rupture of many references. The thesis analyses the commercial introduction of transgenics seeds in the Brazilian and Argentinean societies since 1990 (especially after Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Carlos Menem were elected). As fundamental elements of this analysis, reference is made to the construction of transgenics as a socioenvironmental problem in Brazil through the following aspects: the organizational model of the Brazilian civil society and the consequences of its mobilization, the construction of the national policy on biosafety, and the development of biotechnology research. In regard to Argentina, the thesis touches upon the expansion of the soy model, the technical and political decision making process regarding biotechnology and biosafety, the intricacies of the participation and political dialogue among the Argentinean organized civil society and the technical and political decision making agencies and processes. The thesis illustrates that the technology produces different patterns of action on the societies it is commercially incorporated. These patterns reveal similar but diverse political, economical and social contexts, wherein the social resistanceand mobilization are issues are emphasized


alimentos geneticamente modificados organismos transgênicos biotecnologia biossegurança genetic modified food transgenic organisms biotechnology biosafety

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