Transformações nas Nações Unidas : da reforma na ONU à criação do Conselho de Direitos Humanos




The end of the twentieth century had important facts which help to understand a still unfinished process: the reordering of the International System. In this context, the issue of UN reform emerges with great strength. This dissertation aims to study the UN responses to the contemporary challenges with special focus on UNs human rights structure. To achieve it, this essay tried to find the right parameters that guided the movement of reform reflected through the administrations of Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Kofi Annan, ex-General Secretaries of the United Nations between 1992 and 2006. Also evaluates specifically the UN structure of human rights, and, the transition of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights to Human Rights Council of the United Nations. Eventually, argues about the possibility of perceiving institutional and procedural progress, even the environment in which the selfish behavior of states ⎯ in the search for the realization of their own interests ⎯ could undermine the efficiency of the body.


conselho de direitos humanos united nations commission on human rights united nations reform human rights boutros boutros ghali human rights council relações internacionais boutros boutros kofi annan comissão de direitos humanos kofi annan direitos humanos relacoes internacionais reforma das nações unidas international relations ghali

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