Trajetórias juvenis nas ondas da rádio-escola. / Youthful trajectories in the waves of the school-radio.




In this master thesis I analyze the experience of twenty and nine young inhabitants of Mucuripe, Castelo Encantado and Serviluz (Fortalezas quarters), that had precociously entered in the informal work, of biograph themselves producing radio programs, during the school-radio formation developed for the ONG Catavento Comunicação e Educação, in 2005 and 2006, through the project Hold That Wave: school-radio in the sociocultural management of learning. During the research, I perceived that the programs produced for the young participants of the formation in school-radio were stories about their lives, their contexts, their dreams and fears. Taking as base Paulo Freire (1983, 1985, 1996, 2002) to speech on the relation between action-reflection-action, I started analyzing how that narrative could contribute to them made a reflective work about their lives, how to speak about their interest subjects could contribute to them construct a new image about youth and about themselves and how communicating their experiences would be a form of revisiting them and assuming an authorial position of their lives, their histories and the histories of the world. Ive chosen a program produced in 2006, in which young people tell the period when they had worked, to make deeper the analysis of the group and, with the objective of incorporating the singularities of young peoples history, Ive developed a field research in which three young participants of the workshops in school-radio had made the narrative about the experiences that made them the young people they are today. For this, I used the procedures and beddings of the research (auto) biographical, developed for authors like Marie-Christine Josso (2004), Gaston Pineau (2006), Ferrarotti Franc (1988), Jorge Larrosa (2002, 2003, 2004) and Christine Delory-Momberger (2006). The boarding says that we form ourselves, but we also deform and conform ourselves, by our experiences and that when telling, when communicating our histories we are reflecting about the lived and becoming the authors of our lives. That way, I take as base the argument of Jesus Martín-Barbero (2001, 2002, 2008), that develops the communication category as the mediation between our experiences and the meanings they go acquiring interchanging them, to make a relation between the communication and the research (auto) biographical that, beyond being a research methodology, it is also a formation.


juventude jovens na comunicação de massa - aspectos sociais - fortaleza(ce) educação - métodos biográficos experience communication comunicação de massa e educação - fortaleza(ce) experiência educação popular - fortaleza(ce) educacao em periferias urbanas comunicação projeto segura essa onda: rádio escola digital na gestão sociocultural da aprendizagem(fortaleza,ce) youth rádio na educação - fortaleza(ce) biografia - metodologia

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