Trajetórias da desrazão: vidas silenciosas e marginais




This research discusses the works of artists from a field known as Art and Madness, with the proposal to conduct a review of multiple approaches, relating them to a contemporary cultural and artistic context. We will initiate by the trajectory of this theme in Brazil, with the activities of Osório César in the Juqueri Hospital, São Paulo, in 1929 and in Rio de Janeiro with the workshops of Nise da Silveira in the National Psychiatric Center since 1946, recurring also to the concept developed by Mário Pedrosa about Art Virgin, highlighting the artist schizophrenic, and to Gilles Deleuze s concept of difference and repetition, which reinforce the ideas about unreason brought on by Michel Foucault and Peter Pal Pelbart. In our society, where borders and territories vary in format and content, in the field of art and culture the artistic trajectory of Arthur Bispo do Rosario is a reference and an example of this movement. Example of a work that migrated from the environment of madhouse to the world of art. And Manoel Luiz Rosa, with a mental disability, that attends the Center for Development of Expression, in Porto Alegre, in the last 47 years, also talk with the trajectory of Luiz Guides. Resident of the Psychiatric Hospital São Pedro, living for 50 years in Porto Alegre, he attends the Creativity Workshop for 19 years at that institution. The work of Luiz Guides, due to be little released by the critics, will be studied with more emphasis, with very artistic quality.


folie madness deficientes mentais : arte unreason arte : loucura Étude de cas déraison guides, luiz, 1928- art case study

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