Trajetória dos fóruns regionais de cidadãos idosos e do interfórum do cidadão idoso: um sujeito coletivo e político em movimento - São Paulo, 1995-2005




The aim of this present thesis is the study of the trajectory of the Interforum of the elderly citizen and the Regional Forum of the elderly citizens of São Paulo between the years 1995-2005.The main purpose is to analyze how the IFCI and the FRCI are being formed as a collective subject and a politic person in movement towards the achievement and the accomplishment of the citizenship rights for the segment.. As a result, the hypothesis was formulated. The IFCI and the FRCIS of São Paulo, in their trajectory have been struggling and conquering the citizenship rights for the elderey people segment enlarging the public space, as well as, improving the public relationship between the state and the civil society, forming a collective and politic person in movement. In this research it was used the qualitative method, that included the statements obtained from the, questionnaires, participant observation, document study and bibliographic research which were done in São Paulo and Portugal. The theoretical landmark is based on the following authors PAZ (2002), MERCADANTE (1997), BEAUVOIR (1990), DAGNINO (2002), and others. The results show the awareness of the elderly people when it comes to the importance of the politic struggle with the possibility of the accomplishment of the citizenship rights for the segment that has happened in the participation process because when the FRCI and the IFCI were found the majority of the elderly people didnt use to give a great value to it. The research showed that the FRCI and the IFCI have been facing problems in their trajectory such as lack of financial resources for their activities, not enough technical and political qualification of their participants, related to the Brazilian political culture field, where there are very few citizens involved and taking part in it, and others. It was also observed that the main discussions and struggles by the FRCI and IFCI are aimed at the basic necessity support. This way the discussion of the aging issue unfortunately, doesnt have much relevance. In spite of the fact that the FRCI and IFCI have been facing many obstacles in their trajectory, they dont surpass the achivements because of the high importance that the elderly people give in the participation of the reconstruction of the State relationship and the society with the elderly people segment, among others


servico social envelhecimento participação social forum do cidadao idoso da cidade de sao paulo aging participacao social -- sao paulo (cidade) social participation cidadania citizenship idosos -- sao paulo (cidade)

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