Tourism and peasantry: ideological and cultural struggles in Colombo/PR / Turismo e campesinato: embates ideológicos e culturais em Colombo/PR




Tourism is an activity that can be defined as a social practice co-opted by the market and which has its major specificity in the space. On one hand, tourism is presented as an economic activity contributing to development; on the other hand it is presented as an activity that generates impacts. Tourism as an economic activity is increasingly seen as a consumption of/in space and of leisure, enjoyed in a quick, rationalized and expensive time, independently of the places where it takes place. In the countryside the peasants life style is slow paced, to the opposite of tourism itself. The Brazilian implementation policies for countryside tourism argue that it is to improve living conditions and earnings for the small family farmer. However behind the family farmer notion there is a tradition of analyses of the existence, disappearance and resistance of the peasants in the midst of political projects for the modernization of the countryside, to try and transform the peasants into farming families. An analysis about tourism must consider the complexity of the relationships and social processes that it generates, under the risk of producing a reductionist analysis. We had the general objective of analyzing just how the advance of tourism in the municipality of Colombo/PR, with the support of government policies, is developing with peasant participation. We utilized a materialistic dialectic method, taking into consideration the complexity of social life and of the coexistence of social relationships that have unequal dates. Tourism and countryside family social groups are analyzed from their contradictions, perceived in constant movements. It was possible to observe as a result, after our research, that in general there is no tourism development with peasant participation. This is because there is opposition between the implementation of tourist activity and the peasants way of life, which ends up resisting tourism itself.


camponês consumption turismo peasant consumo tourism

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