São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro: hipermetrópoles, turismo e moda como economias culturais do espaço / São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro: hypermetropolis tourism and fashion as cultural economies of space




This thesis analyze the sociospatial changes at São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro capital cities in the period of turnover from the XX to the XXI Century with regards to tourism and fashion, these being reflected as cultural economies of space. Tourism uses and senses are considered beyond its categorizations, identifying an urban touristification process at different levels and scales; (1) in speeches and senses of urban policies for urban image promotion and international competition; (2) in search of diversification and commoditization of touristic experience by business intermeddling with pleasure, culture and entertainment; (3) from the need of reconciliation of urban centers according to the emergency of an economic and symbolic center of these metropolis reinforcing the relationship between traditional historical centers and new tertiary centers. Concerning fashion the analyzes is focused on changes of the sector considering processes of economic and spatial restructures of industries and textile markets and of clothing at metropolitan scales, as well as production and reproduction of creative scenes and circuits associating fashion to an identity symbolic and narrative repertoire through image of symbolic economy in which São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are market-inserted and also products. In a wider perspective, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro metropolis reflect themselves as hypermetropolis leading us to think about life and sociospatial objects as exacerbation of senses and projects of hypermodernity in which new urbanities are likely in simultaneous and complex scales of contemporary metropolitan existences.


fashion moda rio de janeiro city turismo tourism são paulo rio de janeiro cultural economy of space hypermetropolis economia cultural do espaço são paulo city hipermetrópole

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