Tomografia de impulso para estimativa da densidade da madeira / Impulse tomography for wood density estimate




There are several techniques which use the passage of waves through wood to obtain information. Among them the tomography of trees is emphasized, reconstructing cross sections of trunk and branches. The impulse tomography is based on the timing of mechanical sound wave travelling between sensors attached to a cross section of the tree, to compute wave speed and construction of the tomographic image. It is known that the speed of the passage of mechanical waves is determined by the phisical and mechanical properties of the wood. Specially, eslasticity module, density and moisture content. Until this moment, there are several studies about the correlation between wave speed (mainly ultrasound) and elasticity module. The studies presented next are highlighted because they evaluate the correlation between mechanical wave speed, obtained by impulse tomography, and wood density, with the intention to use it as a tool to estimate density. The several estabilished methods for determining wood density are characterized by using wood samples, in many cases, difficult to obtain. Besides being performed using laboratory procedures which may take even weeks. Therefore, in chapter 2, Physical concepts involved in the impulse tomography method and the relationship with apparent density, there are considerations about physical concepts that explain the behavior of mechanical waves and present the correlation found between mechanical wave speed and apparent density, with 12% moisture content of the wood, to three species of wood with different densities (Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) Blake - Guapuruvu, Eucalyptus saligna Sm. - Eucalipto, Caesalpinia echinata Lam. Pau-Brasil). The results were very satisfying, since the coeficient of determination - R2 the general equation mechanical wave speed at 12% =514,89 * apparent density at 12% + 312,49 was equal to 0,9284, highly significant regarding F test at 1%. In chapter 3, Impulse tomography for the estimation of basic wood density of live trees, statistical models for estimation are presented to estimate basic wood density in live trees, using mechanical wave speed. Data was collected from trees of 10 native species. The accuracy measurements (coeficient of determination R2, mean percentual error EMP, and random error i) ensure the utility of the models.


madeira - propriedades mecânicas densidade da madeira wood mechanical properties tomografia. wood density tomography.

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