Tomografia computadorizada volumétrica de feixe cônico no estudo da morfologia do canal radicular


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Computed tomography, a very important tool in medical diagnostical routine, has been used due to the high quality images it produces, without double images or distortions however its utilization has been restricted due to the high costs and the high levels of radiation that the patient is exposed. A modern type of computed tomography, that uses the cone been was developed to obtain high quality images, less radiation exposition, less costs and odontology applications, because it can obtain images of small areas. The objective of this research is to compare the anatomic root canal and the surgical root canal of twenty lower premolars. To do this it was obtained three images of the axial slices of the anatomic root canal and three images of the surgical root canal of each tooth, using the QR-DVT 9000 software (NewTom 3G). The results shown bigger measures of the surgical root canal comparing to the anatomic root canal. Therefore this new model of tomography can be indicated to morphologic study of the root canal.


canal radicular newtom feixe cônico root canal computed tomography cone beam endodontia

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