Timed artificial insemination in high producing holstein cows / Inseminação artificial em tempo fixo em vacas holandesas de alta produção




The current thesys has been divided in 5 Experiments. Objectives of Experiment 1 were to evaluate the effects of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) and/or estradiol cypionate (ECP) on follicular dymanics and conception rate in Holstein cows receiving fixed timed artificial insemination (TAI). On D0, all cows (n = 782) received 2 mg of estradiol benzoate (EB) and one intravaginal progesterone device (CIDR). Eight days later, CIDR was removed and all animals were treated with PGF2?. Simultaneously, animals were divided in 4 groups: G1) eCG + ECP on Day 8; G2) eCG on Day 8 + GnRH 48h later; G3) ECP on Day 8; G4) GnRH 48h later. Blood samples and ultrasound exams were frequently performed in a subset of the animals (n = 96). All the statistical analyses for all experiments were performed with proc GLIMMIX and proc MIXED of SAS. Equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) treatment and body condition score (BCS) affected circulating progesterone in the diestrus. Cows in G2 had greater conception rates than cows in G4 (33,8% vs. 28,9%). In addition, in cows with lower BCS, eCG seems to be even more affective (G2 = 44,4% vs. G4 = 6,1%). In Experiment 2 (n = 26), the objective was to compare the effect of eCG the day of CIDR removal in animals with lower (2,0-2,5) or higher (3,0-3,5) BCS. Some variables such as corpus luteum (CL) volume, histology and circulating progesterone concentration in the diestrus were evaluated. Regardless of the body condition of the animals, eCG increased CL volume and circulating progesterone concentration in the diestrus. BCS negatively affected CL volume and circulating progesterone. There were no differences in large/small CL cell ratio, as well as CL blood flow between experimental groups. In Experiment 3, it was compared conception rate in dairy cows (n = 388) after using the same protocol G2 from Experiment 1 (Chapter I), with or without an ECP treatment at the time of CIDR (new or used) removal. Both ECP treatment and type of CIDR did not significantly affected conception rates. In Experiment 4 (n = 199), despite the fact that follicular diameter was increased in group GnRH 56h (17,8 mm) compared with GnRH 48h (16,5 mm); and of the delayed time of ovulation after CIDR removal (GnRH 56h = 75,3h; GnRH 48h = 79,8h), there were no differences in conception rates after delaying the GnRH treatment from 48h to 56h in cows inseminated 16h after GnRH. In Experiment 5 (n = 185), conception rate did not differ in animals that received GnRH 48h or 56h (at the time of TAI) after CIDR removal, indicating the possibility of using a protocol with only 3 handlings in high producing dairy cows.


estradiol vacas holandesas holstein cows progesterona corpus luteum progesterone escore corporal corpo lúteo body condition score estradiol

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