Theory and practice - the work of architect Richard Neutra / Teoria e prática - a obra do arquiteto Richard Neutra




This study covers some premises identified in modern architecture, under the perspective of the architecture of Richard J. Neutra, and points out the importance of the architects work through project and construction theory and practice. The work verses on the architects formation, influences, and performance, and on the architectural historic context lived by him in the United States. Initially, the architect is seen through his theoretical reflections, evidenced as much in his written production as in his drawings. In Neutra, the drawing as observation is apprehension of the surroundings, and as intent has, as result, project configuration and rupture of the box. His researches and his technological applications in constructive practice, the importance of the environment and the consideration for Man in his architecture were analyzed. This work offers, thus, a contribution towards the study of theories and design practices in architecture.


arquitetura moderna modern architecture projeto de arquitetura architectural design richard joseph neutra richard joseph neutra análise projetual

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