The veiled and unveiled: images of the Feast of Congada / O velado e o revelado: imagens da Festa da Congada




Guarded and revealed: images of the Feast of Congada is a result of the research on processes of perception attributed to the look that report to the visible world, but also to the invisible world, which apprehension and understanding includes codes, modulation and education of senses diverse and specific. Based on fieldwork with images, the Feast of Congada of São Sebastião do Paraíso, MG has been thought through synchronic ethnographic description compared with diachronic conceptual elements that offered important insights in order to understand this festivity in its specificity of implicating African religious heritage to Catholic practices. This was the way to render the Congada and its conceptual dynamics of native images, shapes, and all that is visible and invisible at the party.


alteridades ancestry memory identity visual anthropology alterity party of congada antropologia visual memória ancestralidade identidades festa da congada

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