The transfer of metals for the foods and it possible relationship with the consumer s health / A transferência de metais para os alimentos e sua possível relação com a saúde do consumidor




With the preocupation gone back to the quality of the foods of human consumption, the present research has the purpose of evaluating the transfer of the metals aluminum (Al), chrome (Cr), iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni) during the cooking of the foods rice and bean in containers of aluminum and stainless steel. Initially they were prepared waters patterns, under different pH conditions and salinity, with the originating from water the system of distribution of the municipal district of Ribeirão Preto. These combinations had the intention of verifying which the condition in that it would happen a larger transfer of metals, especially the aluminum. The waters patterns were taken to the ebullition by a certain time, in containers of aluminum, and several brackets of samples were collected in elapsing of the heating. Later, the quantification of the metals was accomplished in the samples of water and it was verified that with the increase of the pH and of the salinity, it happens an increase of the transfer of aluminum and iron, mainly, of the container for the water. Since then they were prepared just waters standard of basic pH and high salinities for the cooking of the foods. In elapsing of the preparation of the foods brackets of samples were also removed, in order to show a possible elevation of the transfer of metals with the continuation of the time of cooking. The collected samples suffered digestion saw humid (acids nitric and hydrochloric) and, finally, they were analyzed being used the technique of Spectrometer of Optical Emission in Plasma of Argon Coupled Inductively (ICP OES) through the use of the equipment ICP of the mark PerkinElmer, model Optima 2000. The analytical results of the foregoing metals are expressed in graphs and tables, in humid base and in base it dries. The equipment belongs to the Ambiental 2000 company, and the calibration of ICP was made with coming water by a purification system through membrane of osmosis-reverse. In the end of the research an experience was also accomplished with polluted water with aluminum for cooking of rice and bean in teflon containers for verification of the behavior of migration of the aluminum ion. A special concern existed with the transfer of the aluminum, because of there being countless published goods considering this metal as etiological potential for the disease of Evil of Alzheimer, because, in spite of the sensitive efforts of the science in search of the cure for this disease, the current treatment just allows to soften their effects. The results obtained in this research will be subsidies for subsequent researches in the medical area being compared, for instance, diseases as the Evil of Alzheimer, Anemia, etc with the practice of the use of specific containers for the cooking of foods


feijão ph iron níquel salinidade aluminum steel inox aço inox alumínio bean digestion ph digestão teflon rice ferro teflon nickel arroz salinity alzheimer disease cromo chrome mal de alzheimer

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