The theory of the needs in Marx: from the dialectic of the recognition to the analytic of the social being / A teoria das necessidades em Marx : da dialetica do reconhecimento a analitica do ser social




This study is about the theory of needs (Bedürfnisse) in Marx. It analyses the Economic and philosophic manuscripts, according to ?Pariser Hefte? in 1844. It approaches the recognition dialectics in Hegel, which solves in Ethic State the problem of needs. It considers the reduction of religion to wishes and human needs in Feuerbach, which reverberates in Marx migration from active idealism to materialism. Marx refuses the social efficiency of the State and reaches the critics on political economy. It requires then a new theoretical change built in an analytical of social being, where it brings the needs that compound the new materialism basements. The enrichment of these needs rises to the logic presupposed of the Manuscripts critics. The idea of an emancipated human community denies, dialectically, its denying for the estranged work. It is affirmed a new relationship of men with the nature and men among themselves, where the same do not join themselves exteriorly, but inner for the enrichment of their needs


filosofia necessidades basicas recognition (psychology) philosophy reconhecimento (psicologia) basic needs

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