The study of ionizing radiation as a tool for select promastigotes forms of Leishmania amazonensis, and the immunological response in experimental models / Estudo do uso da radiação ionizante como ferramenta de seleção de formas promastigotas metacíclicas de Leishmania amazonensis e a indução de resposta imunológica em modelos experimentais


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Actually, millions of people around the globe are under the risk of infection by a protozoan transmitted by a bit of a sand fly. This parasite is a Leishmania spp. This causes a wide spectrum disease, since a coetaneous disease to a visceral one. The coetaneous form is the major clinical manifestation (above 90%). The ionizing radiation, produced in a 60Co font, had being successes used to promote physical-chemical transformations on different protozoans, including Leishmania spp. In previous work was determined that promastigotes forms of Leishmania amazonensis, irradiated with different doses of radiation, lost their viability maintaining, however, their immunogenicity. In this work, was studied the use of ionizing radiation as a tool for selection of metaciclic forms of the parasite in axenic culture, for a possible efficient irradiated immunogen production. Our results shown that cultures irradiated with 400 Gy of gamma irradiation, has 75% of metaciclic form, which are capable to produce, in vitro, an infection that is similar the natural occurrence. These irradiated parasites have their internal cellular structure modified, maintaining their external structure intact. Susceptible strain of mice immunized with leishmania irradiated with different doses had high immunoglobulin production, and maintained this production after the challenge with naive parasites. In other strains this default was similar, however in lower titles. Immunodeficient mice didnt produce immunoglobulin nor on the immunization or on the challenge.


immunity morphology imunógenos infectious diseases ionizing radiations leishmania parasites parasitic diseases radiação ionizante

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