The space for the argumentation in classroom: a way to the conflict situations related to the teacher-student interaction. / "O espaço para a argumentação em sala de aula: um caminho para as situações de conflito na interação professor-aluno"




The purpose of this paper is to investigate the existence (or non-existence) of a space inside the classroom which is favorable to the practice of argumentation, in specific situations of conflict related to the teacher–student interaction. In view of the fact that interaction is mediated by the language, it is interesting to investigate how the feelings produced by the language influence the subjects involved, collaborating or not for their actions toward the practice of the argumentative speech. The investigations were carried out by means of observations of classes taught to 3rd year students of evening High School Courses, in two public schools: one located in a noble region, and the other in the outskirts of the City of São Paulo. Out of those observations, corpus “A” and “B” were selected, which bring forth the conflict situations between teachers and students. The word “conflict” in this paper is being considered as disagreement, discord, or, more specifically, differences of opinions, interests or feelings. In the perspective of this paper, the conflict is unavoidable, since it is inherent to the very interaction mediated by the language; however, it is possible that situations can be soothed. The hypothesis is that the effective practice of argumentation, connected to the art of convincing, and to the consideration for the other, represents a way out to the conflict situations. Nevertheless, the analysis results show that the space in classroom that privileges the argumentation does not come to be effective. There is still a long way to go, in terms of understanding the following aspects: the concepts of language; the interaction process; the discourse, its wider context of elaboration and possible effects; the conflicts, its causes and implications; the art of argumentation in specific situations of conflict etc., so that such understanding can be reverted to actions, whose effects will be able to change the reality involving the teacher–student interaction.


argumentação linguagem conflito discurso teacher–student interaction language interação professor-aluno conflict discourse argumentation

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