The source of the stranger in the city of São Paulo: analphabetism and stigm. / O nascimento do estranho na cidade de São Paulo: analfabetismo e estigma.




This essay presents three different aims: 1. to registrate through campus research the recent situation of two public schools in Sao Paulo city in relation to alphabetization; 2. to reflect about the myth of alphabetism method as the unique variable of the "school analphabetism" phenomenon and to check other variables that (according to Bourdieu) contribute to the spread of analphabetism in the poor social class; 3. to point some consequences of this phenomenon, for example, to stigmatize analphabete people, and to notice the consequences it brings to the social, professional and economic areas for those who are analphabete. The objective of this research was to demonstrate the relationship between reading and writing learning for pupils in the first years in the primary school and the social stigmas which exist in the different relations between student and the written culture. Two municipal public schools in Sao Paulo city were analyzed in the campus research. The first one was called, in this work, "Escola Leste", from where some data from 2001 to 2004 was collected. The second was denominated "Escola Norte", where the work was made during 2005. In the Escola Leste, the students in the fourth year, Cicle I, in the primary school were the subject of study, focussing ten analphabete students. In the Escola Norte, a class in the fourth year considered the worst one, according to professionals in touch to the researcher, was observed. Besides these main subjects, teachers, directors and coordinators, taking part of some testimonies and interviews, also have contributed to the range of information acquired. This material is based on the qualitative methodology of research, with ethnographic characteristics. The researcher was in touch with the pupils in many places, inside and outside the school, knowing their families. She also took part of some events with the tearchers, for example, meetings, courses and school parties. This text is a result of this investigation and it is divided in four chapters. In the first chapter, there is a summary of some concepts and debates which have happened in the alphabetization area since the 1980s until the first months of 2006, when a tough controversy between the phonic method defenders and the defenders of other paradigms occurred. In the second chapter, there are some attempts to trace the social features of the individuals studied in this work, making use of Goffman and Bauman conceptions about stigma and strange, respectively, and an analysis based on official statistics of the social structure of Sao Paulo city. Biarnès, a professor at Paris XIII College, provides this work with data about his studies on the cultural question which involves the language teaching. In the third chapter, the data that is gathered from the campus research is presented. Finally, in the fourth chapter, in the last considerations, the variables that contribute to the "school analphabetism" are pointed, for instance, the relationships between the geographic space and the bad quality of teaching relationship, and the problems with the school curriculum and the administrative problems.


estigma método cultura stigma alfabetização method culture escola pública alphabetisation public school

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