The Rap Echoes in Children\ s Literature / O rap ecoa na literatura infantil  


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In our survey entitled The Rap Echoes in Children\ s Literature, we show the children\ s as well as youth\ s literature dialogues - in whose genesis there is a child picture- with other forms of communication and arts, movement that is happening with intensity and that contributes to changes in this literary universe, as well as the image of the speaker. We prepared a brief study through paths followed by some historical texts for children, we passed through a contextualization of the music, and the elements that make up the Hip-Hop Culture and one of its pillars - the rap in which the object of study selected for the work was A Boy Called Rorbeto, from the rapper Gabriel Contino - O Pensador (The Thinker). We show literary codes and shared literary manifestations of hip-hop culture, negotiations between the social discourse, the complaint - characteristic of rap - and the institutional power strongly represented in the work; from that point, we seek possible tangent child and childhood images that are present in the present.


child childhood criança literatura literature music música infância rap rap

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